Are humans preparing for the final trial? Arrivals book.

This book by the writer and novelist Ahmed Khaled Mustafa,  the First edition published at the International Book Fair in January 2024 by Dar  Dar Al Kutub Juice   ( عصير الكتب )  for Publishing and Distribution. 

This book presents the evolution of modern technology and great artificial intelligence development in the future, lists the history of Jews throughout history, discusses the development of films, pictures, books, archaeological museums, artificial intelligence, and holograms in the future, presents the Jews’ vision of the prophets and apostles in their alleged Torah, which was written by their rabbis, shows the extent of the Jews’ control over the circulation of information in the world and their control over the economy, banks, trade, and weapons in the world, and shows the extent of their responsibility for wars, corruption, and conspiracies in the world. It is presented in an interesting way that attracts the attention of readers by presenting parts of their alleged Torah and mentioning some connotations and historical facts that confirm the writer’s claims.


The book mentions the history of their people, how they think, their religious rituals that they invented for themselves, where the descendants of the current Jews came from, and how they eliminated all the prophets that God sent to them to guide them. How they killed the Messenger Muhammed ( صلي الله عليه و سلم ) , And how were they the cause of wars between countries and world wars, and how did they benefit greatly from these wars?


  This book contains great research and great effort in selecting situations, shots, and characters that add to and highlight what the writer wants to say. As usual, you cannot classify the work as a pure novel or as a pure book. It is research in a dramatic way, but it is very effective. and the way the storytelling is laid out is very clever and engaging.

The language that the writer used in this book is not classical Arabic, which is difficult to understand, nor is it colloquial. Rather, he used classical Arabic, which is easy to understand, which makes it easier for the reader to understand the events of the book smoothly and quickly.

I have benefited from this book in the knowledge of their motives, in which they do it from massacres in the Palestinian people over the years, and in knowing their history and scandals, which are sealed and unspoken. I advise you to read this book because it has important information to know.



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