Unearthing the Past: Archaeological Discoveries and Their Impact on Tourism


There are various archaeological discoveries, workshops and exhibitions held to learn about  mosques, minarets, domes ,a group of pottery, ceramic and glass vessels from different Islamic eras and other things.

The first news was "The story of Museum exhibition"

Dr. Ahmed Ghoneim, CEO of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, opened a temporary exhibition entitled “The Story of a Museum” on May 2, 2024, in the Egyptian Textile Hall at the museum and will continue for a month.

The exhibition came on the occasion of the three-year anniversary of the opening of the museum, to display a variety of artifacts that were discovered from the site of the archaeological "El-Masbagha" and the excavations of the museum site, and a group of the museum’s collectibles, which are displayed for the first time to the public.

Among these possessions is a map from the book Description of Egypt, Part One, edition of 1809 AD, and a group of pottery, ceramic and glass vessels from different Islamic eras, a group of seals from the Ayyubid and Fatimid eras, spindles and combs from different eras, and models of lamps from the Roman eras. And the Islamic, Coptic and Islamic sheqafs, and other collectibles.

The second one was “Egyptian Heritage, Architecture and Art” event

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat organized a cultural heritage event on April 30, 2024, in cooperation with an elite group of Egyptian craftsmen and artists, entitled “Egyptian Heritage, Architecture and Art” on the occasion of the celebration of World Heritage Day and World Art Day. 

The event included a group of workshops and exhibitions, including a presentation by the Dar Arafa Architecture Foundation of a miniature model, photographs, and a documentary film of a mosque in "Assouna" in Sohag Governorate.

The museum also organized an exhibition of photographs of mosques, minarets, and domes from Cairo and the governorates of Egypt, with the participation of "Blue Cairo", the artist Nancy Tariq, and the artist Ahmed Mostafa, in addition to an interactive presentation of the "Al-Ghamri" pulpit.

There were a number of workshops, including a workshop on the textual and Quranic writings that decorated the walls of mosques in Egypt, presented by the "Al-Qalam Foundation" for the Arts of Arabic Calligraphy and Decoration. An introductory presentation was also given to the ancient mosques that were printed on Egyptian paper currencies.

The third one was " Discovering rock tomb and archaeological collectibles in the Saqqara"

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced on January 4, 2024, that a joint Egyptian-Japanese archaeological mission discovered a rock tomb and a number of architectural elements, burials, and archaeological collectibles in the Saqqara area in Giza Governorate.

The mission and Waseda University made this discovery during the current excavation season inside and above the Catacombs tombs in the Saqqara archaeological area.

 In addition, the dishes and pottery inside the tomb indicate the historical era of its construction, dating back to the Second Dynasty from approximately 2890 to 2686 BC.

The head of the mission from the Egyptian side explained that the burials that were uncovered included the remains of a human burial of a man with a colored mask, and another burial of a young child, in addition to a number of burials from the late Ptolemaic era that contained a coffin from the Eighteenth Dynasty in poor condition and inside is an "Alabaster" vessel in good condition.

The head of the mission from the Japanese side added that the mission found many archaeological artifacts, including two "Terracotta" statues of the goddess “Isis” and of the child “Harpocrates” riding a bird, and a mask with remains of green and white colors, in addition to some pottery tools, pottery shards, and some other collectibles.

The fourth one was "Discovering new archaeological statement in the Al-Bahnasa in Minya Governorate"

On January 8, 2024, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced a new archaeological statement in the "Al -Bahnasa" area of ​​Minya Governorate, south of Cairo, including graves carved in the rock of the Ptolemaic and Roman eras.

Where the Spanish archaeological mission from the University of Barcelona and the ancient Near Near East Institute revealed a number of graves, and a number of mummies from the Roman era, during the excavation work in this archaeological area .For the first time in this region, the "Tracotta" statues depicted the idol Isis Aphrodite as it puts a vegetarian wreath topped by a crown.                                   

In addition to finding parts of the papyrus inside a clay seal, in addition to a large number of mummies wrapped in colored coils, some of which were covered with gilded and colored funerary masks, and they found a group of empty coffins and another closed inside the mummies covered with colored "Cartonage".

The mission also succeeded in revealing a number of stone blocks that belong to a destroyed building, a large number of them were decorated with plant graphics, clusters of grapes and groups of animals and birds.

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